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SKU: AI0098
AVG helps you to make running PC fast even when your computer is scanning. When you are busy in playing games it doesn't interrupt you in Game Mode. AVG automatically moves to Game Mode, when any full-screen application is started. AVG smart scanner only scans when PC is not in use.
Web Accelerator
AVG accelerator helps you to stream videos more faster than before, it increase the connection speed and download binary data to deliver faster videos.
Enhanced Firewall
We always intended to make our data safe from hackers, AVG provide you enhanced firewall that secure your computer from hackers wired as well as wireless network.
Privacy Protection
AVG came with plugin for Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer that doesn't allow websites to collect your data and block spyware, adware that collect personal information.
File Shredder
File Shredder deletes files permanently that can't be recovered by any File recovery software.
Online Shield
Online Shield checks all files before downloading and check whether you are not accessing a site that contain malware.
So, here is simple introduction to AVG Internet security, it is in world's top 10 list and you can also install with 1 year free license.
System Requirements
Processor : Intel Pentium 1.5 GHz or faster
RAM Memory: 512 MB
Hard disk space: 1000 MB
Fusce vitae nibh mi. Integer posuere, libero et ullamcorper facilisis, enim eros tincidunt orci, eget vestibulum sapien nisi ut leo. Cras finibus vel est ut mollis. Donec luctus condimentum ante et euismod.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eget facilisis odio. Duis sodales augue eu tincidunt faucibus. Etiam justo ligula, placerat ac augue id, volutpat porta dui.
Sed id tincidunt sapien. Pellentesque cursus accumsan tellus, nec ultricies nulla sollicitudin eget. Donec feugiat orci vestibulum porttitor sagittis.